Thursday, October 31, 2019

African exploration Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

African exploration - Essay Example The article has got a number of issues discussed regarding the European and East Africans during the age of exploration. This has raised several important points which are of interest and need to be elaborated.The majority of the visitors coming to the African exploration were surprisingly not from the European explorers, in stead, they were the Africans, Arabs and Swahilis in particular. The changes taking place as a result of exploration were tremendous including various structural changes that were evident. All these things were clear and visible during and/or after the exploration by the Arabs and the Europeans. These points individually are explained below.The explorers coming to the east African exploration were composed of European explorers and the east Africans. The formation and the number of explorers were surprisingly strange. The majority of the explorers were east Africans, Arabs and Swahilis in particular. They had a huge adaptability to the culture of the African area . The explorers coming from Europe and other areas also relied on Arabs and other Africans for guidance and routes for help and support.They took detailed accounts of the societies they encountered as they planned to give a complete account of the regions they were traversing. The degree of satisfaction of the obtained knowledge depended upon the individual explorer's perspective and interests and tended to vary fro explorer to explorer.In the second period of exploration under discussion, 1856-70, the number of people with Indian backgrounds rose. In a taken sample, around 54 percent of the people joining in that period were of Indian background. The other segments of people in that period increased. Men with army connections increased as compared to those with naval men. Number of men with missionary activities increased. The number of administrators increased in the period whereas the number of scholars was relatively small. The practical, administrative and functional memberships seem to have become even more marked in that period. The composition of the people and their professions was changing with the changing time periods and particularly in this period. The creation of infrastructure and the relevant setup was to make the enforcement of law and order better. The people who were given to slavery were to be relieved from that and the civilization was to be established there. The east African cohesion was pretty much visible in the traversing of the European and other African voyagers. Besides the justification provided for the discovery and exploration of east Africa, the hidden motives were very much there with the British people. They were not disclosed as the justification was reasonably acceptable. The motives of the east India company and the British explorers were multifold with a focus on reaping the benefits from the east African products and produce. The exploration of course resulted in a direct contact of the British explorers and the Africans. The Arabs were an integral part of the exploration. They were adaptive to the changed culture of east Africa. The Arabs and the Swahilis adjusted themselves to African conditions, culture and the social and political norms in the African region, even when they were in dominating position. There was an implicit alliance between the Arabs and the Europeans. They helped each other in the exploration and Europeans heavily relied on the Arabs for support and guidance in the region. The British government advanced money for the cause of

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Prof 2 part 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Prof 2 part 2 - Essay Example Theoretically, scientists know how DS came about but not what triggers it although there are so-called risk factors to DS incidences. DS is a condition that needs to be extensively studied not only so that it can be totally eliminated but also to help those born with this genetic defects live the closest to normal existence as possible. The purpose of this paper is to study the causes and effects of Down syndrome including its medical consequences and the accepted appropriate clinical, sociological, nutritional and psychological approaches in dealing with DS victims. In undertaking the study of this paper, the writer used several books, articles and other references to meet its objective, which is to understand the causes of Down syndrome, anticipate its medical consequences and how to best deal with DS patients, clinically, psychologically and socially. The article Down Syndrome culled from the Parenting and Child health website was vital in giving a complete overview of the genetic disorder. It familiarizes the reader, although rather cursorily, with the disorder. This was important so that a complete overview of the topic can be instantly had without having to read longer accounts initially (2008). This was likewise true with the article Birth Defects-Trisomy Disorders which can be found in the Better Health Channel website (2007). To find out the frequency of DS occurrence vis-Ã  -vis birth rates in Australian, a visit to the WD website and a reading of the article Statistics by Country for Down Syndrome proved helpful although the statistics therein presented were products of mere extrapolation (2008). The article Down Syndrome and Genetic Cleansing by Rachel Mealy provided an idea how Australian mothers can anticipate a DS birth and how Australian pregnant women actually deal with knowledge of imminent DS births (Mealy 2002). The book Prescription for Nutritional Healing: A Practical A-To-Z Reference to

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Handling Family Conflicts Healthily

Handling Family Conflicts Healthily A family is composed of unique individuals with different personalities, ideas, opinions, and ways of doing things. Its no wonder disagreements and conflicts arise from time to time, and most psychologists will tell you that they are a normal part of being a family and living together. Arguments and misunderstandings are inevitable in families, but the ways members choose to handle these conflicts can make a huge difference in maintaining a happy relationship with each other. Families who choose to peacefully resolve conflict are likely to grow closer as they learn how to take each others feelings into consideration. Knowing how to better manage family conflict will promote growth and cohesion on the domestic front. The Birth of Conflict in the Family When two or more people with distinct personalities and ideas spend a lot of time together, you can expect some opposing thoughts to arise. This is part of the natural progression of any relationship. Comparing different viewpoints can be helpful for people to learn and grow, but only if they are presented in a non-threatening manner. Problems may arise when individuals get caught up in their egos and forget how to think rationally. If a conflict becomes a winner-takes-all battle, nobody wins. In many cases, family members argue about something other than the real issue at hand, which is a fear of losing control. For example, teenagers take advantage of everyday situations as battlegrounds to affirm their newfound independence. Parents react in horror and panic at the thought of losing control over their once submissive children. The result is the drawing of battle lines where persistent conflicts happen. The same principle applies to other family relationships. The friction between mother and daughter-in-law is usually a fight for control over the son/husband; the struggle for dominance between husband and wife is unconsciously aimed at maintaining the level of control in their marriage; and siblings are always squabbling to control the others. As each of these relationships evolves, the control issues may be resolved peacefully in a way acceptable to the parties concerned. However, when conflicts are unresolved, the relationships may be destroyed. The Damaging Effects of Unresolved Conflict Persistent conflict can strain your lives, not just your relationships. Whether the issue is a minor one or a long-standing major dispute, it can compromise the level of trust, especially if no apologies are given and no other form of resolution is reached. The presence of conflict may spawn resentment in other family members and cause them to take sides. When conflicts are not resolved, the negative feelings may build up under the surface. Even if members appear to have moved on and remain polite to each other, the pain and mistrust may still linger. At times, the effort to resolve conflicts may involve bringing up old hurts, which can backfire when the other party feels attacked anew. On the other hand, avoiding the issue can harbor further resentment and poison feelings. Not surprisingly, chronic unresolved conflict is the leading cause of separation/divorce among couples. It is also associated with emotional insecurity in children. Youngsters with parents in high-conflict marriages are more likely to experience behavioral and academic problems, depression and other psychological issues, rejection, etc. On the other hand, parents who know how to handle conflict the healthy way are more likely to provide their children with good relationships and parental warmth. Reaching Out for Help Sometimes, family conflict can reach the point of affecting the members lives and their everyday functioning. This is a clear signal that some external support and a neutral perspective may be beneficial before the conflict damages the family permanently. It is definitely time to get help when the following warning signs appear in either children or parents: Change in eating habits or sleeping patterns Unexplained tiredness Significant weight loss or gain Anxiousness Irritability Consistent physical pain Alcohol or substance abuse Academic failure Promiscuous behavior depression Although conflict cannot be completely removed from a family, counseling can provide the help needed to resolve conflicts the healthy way. Sometimes it takes a caring stranger with an impartial voice to clear the way for mutual understanding and harmonious relations in your family. Where to Find Help Resolving family conflict can be daunting considering the number of personalities involved. Often an approach called family therapy is needed to address the issues impacting the entire family and offer a solution beneficial to all. It is a treatment option that meets the needs of a family embroiled in conflict. If your family is experiencing extended conflict that is negatively affecting your lives, the logical step is to see a counselor and learn to resolve it in a healthy way. At Carolina Counseling Services in Pittsboro, NC, one of the independently contracted counselors may be the right-fit professional to help you.

Friday, October 25, 2019

AIDS :: AIDS Essays

AIDS HIV and/or AIDS is a life threatening disease that is affecting society today. It is a serious epidemic that is threatening millions of lives around the world. A person can become HIV infected thorough the sharing syringes or through vaginal or anal sex, one does not become infected from the air as some might think. It is infected through the blood. Testing positive for human immunodefiency virus or HIV, means that you carry the antibodies, you can be HIV infected and not have AIDS, AIDS occurs in later stage of infection. A person is infectious through all stages, although studies have shown that a person is most infectious during the early stage of detection and in the final stage of AIDS, during the midcourse of the infection they are less infectious. There are several things that one can do to prevent becoming HIV positive. One items is that you can practice abstinence, or on a more realistic view, one should be monogamous and always use condoms. It has been researched that the use of condoms lowers the risk of becoming HIV infected by 90%. Although this protection is not 100% it is the only way that actually helps prevent you from getting the virus. I think that society should make condoms more accessible to young people, I believe they should have condom machines in girl and guys school bathrooms. I also feel that they should be distributed in school social events such as dances or proms, when it is most likely that they will be having sex. Giving youth condoms is not encouraging sex, in my opinion yet it is educated them that they must protect themselves not only from unwanted pregnancies or venereal disease but from death, and from future spread of this epidemic. Studies shown that 50% of infected people are youths between the ages of 15 to 24 years of age. (Public Health Reports Jul. 1995, v110n4, p462-466. If this is the stage that statistics is showing that are most k]likely to contract the virus than why not do everything possible to help prevent it. Another study that I believe has brought results in the needle exchange program, In which drug users go and exchange their dirty needles for clean ones in order to prevent becoming or getting someone infected. "There are increasing data showing that those who regularly exchange their syringes in such programs benefit by lowering their risk of HIV acquisition". Khoshnood, Haven Public Health Reports Jul 1995, v110n4, p 462-466. I believe that AIDS education should be mandated in al states. As I

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Othello Essay

The Jacobean era in which William Shakespeare first wrote Othello, eventually published in 1622, is one which is rightly remembered as being held to strict, dogmatic codes of sexuality and gender-power structures. On the threshold of Queen Elizabeth’s crowning, England under King James continued to be a strictly patriarchal society, with the realms of war and diplomacy being fully impenetrable to women. Considered the primary means to demonstration and execution of power, such venues were perceived to have held sway over all manner of social order. From a cosmetic vantage, it appears through characters such as Brabantio, Othello and Iago that Shakespeare acknowledges a sociological structure which largely keeps women beholden to these powers of men. However, through its intricate weaving of deception which is continually based on a distortion of the realities between men and women, Shakespeare wily toys with conventional wisdom regarding sex and power, dismantling many of the assumptions pertaining to the topic which were processional from the cultural hegemony of his time and place. While the work is constantly given over to opportunistic sleights against the cunning malice of the female heart, the flaws of the male characters are ultimately the cause of tragedy. Shakespeare’s work is marked by a rare propensity for his time, to encourage a reconsideration of the reciprocal relationship inbuilt to the breakdown which occurs between love, lust and loyalty  While men such as Othello and Brabantio characterize power as being in the hands of the wealthy and physically impressive, Desdemona silently and passively illuminates that sexuality is the true power broker. Even before it is the force which weakens his senses, Othello recognizes that all of his fearsome strengths are blunted by his infirmity in the hands of love and lust: â€Å"When light-winged toys Of feathered Cupid seel with wanton dullness My speculative and officed instrument, That my disports corrupt and taint my business, Let housewives makes a skillet of my helm.† (1.3, 263-267) Fittingly, the conclusion magnifies this irony, consistent with the convolution of gender power and responsibility as it persists throughout. Othello recognizes that it is his indiscretion, not Desdemona’s, which has delivered him to incurable suspicion. When he finally succumbs to his misguided jealously, it becomes invariably clear that his physical strengths, those very same which were said to have won him the heart of Desdemona, were not simply made benign by the power of her sexuality. Worse, his powers are turned against him, unleashed from his control and wielded by a fog of lustful rage. In the denouement of the play, Othello is inconsolable of his own guilt. After choking the life out of his innocent wife, Othello is left powerless. In this is the eventual resolution of Shakespeare’s treatise on the falsehood in the power dynamic between men and women. Indeed, the power which is shown to be reflected in the woman is one which contradicts traditional assumptions of 16th century female gender roles. That the women in this play, and Desdemona in particular, ultimately command such power over the judgment of men is quite telling of Shakespeare’s unique perspective. The twisted frustration which marks the conclusion of the play is a strikingly aggressive declaration by the playwright that cultural assumptions regarding the genders are not just too often grossly misunderstood, but consequently also subject to terrible repercussions.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Black Swan Psychology Review Essay

The Black Swan is a psycho thriller film that narrates the demise of a young talented twenty-some year old ballerina named Nina Sayers. The story begins with the main character Nina anticipating her lead role as the Swan Queen in the upcoming new production of Swan Lake. This new version of Swan Lake as presented by the artistic director, Thomas Leroy, tells the story of a virginal girl that is trapped in the body of a White Swan. The White Swan desires to be free but only true love can break her spell. Soon as a handsome prince falls in love with the delicate White Swan and is about to announce his love for her, the White Swan’s lustful twin (the Black Swan) steals the prince away. Devastated, the White Swan kills herself, where in death she finally finds freedom from her curse. Once Nina successfully obtains the role as the Swan Queen, she is to portray both personas of the innocent and fragile White Swan, as well as the destructive and devious Black Swan. As expected Nina could easily capture the essence of the White Swan since they both share very similar personalities. Nina is a well-structured dancer and is always in control of every movement she makes, but her overall timid and fragile character cannot gain the essence of the Black Swan. The Black Swan represents a looser and sensual structure of dance that becomes difficult for Nina to embrace. With such frustration in Nina’s inability to fully grasp both characters in one dance, Nina begins to suffer from delusions, hallucinations, and amongst other irrational behaviors, all of which later contributes to her diagnosis of the borderline personality disorder. Nina’s abnormal behavior becomes more consistent as the date of the show’s premiere approaches. Her disorder develops more as she shows patterns of impulsivity with high levels of instability and anxiety. Borderline personality disorder is known to show a pervasive pattern of unstable self-image that may later lead to an erratic self-destructive behavior. Another symptom that is known to be common with this disorder is having minor to severe episodes of delusions, hallucinations, and/or certain dissociative effects. It is also noted that many people that suffer from borderline personality disorder partake in self-mutilating actions or in more extreme cases much like Nina’s, commit suicide. In the DSM-IV-TR, there are a total of nine criteria for the borderline personality disorder, of which to be characterized with this disorder you must demonstrate five characteristics. Nina Sayers demonstrated 6 criterions and if treated with the behavioral psychotherapy, in time it would have saved her from her ultimate demise. Behavioral therapy focuses on changing observable behavior with the use of learning theory-based principles. Since the development of such learning theories, therapists have been able to control anxiety type behaviors. In the case of Nina, where she is constantly scratching her shoulder under severe stress and partakes in impulsive actions by sleeping with multiple partners, behavioral therapy can model theses pathological behaviors and emphasize learning rather than point fault on herself that may even cause more distress. By decreasing the number of undesirable behaviors that Nina begins to demonstrate throughout the film, a behavioral therapist could use operant conditioning to change future behavior as a function of its previously experienced reinforcement. For the purpose of this case study, I will demonstrate that by using behavioral therapy Nina would have gained control of her impulses and stopped her from harming herself with the use of operant conditioning and even later introduce her onto Dialectical Behavior Therapy. As any therapy session should begin, Nina would first go through a behavioral assessment. Considering Nina’s shy and timid personality, a clinical interview would suit her more efficiently. It is important that Nina should feel that the therapy session is a safe and secure environment where she can talk freely about any concerns especially such deeply personal issues like hallucinations or delusions that come with the territory of those who suffer under borderline personality disorders. This clinical interview should be conducted unstructured in Nina’s case that will strengthen the relationship between the therapist and patient. Remember we want Nina to feel safe and comfortable to freely confine in her therapist of her most personal issues. Another important interview component would be the mental status exam that will try to reveal any signs of symptoms of any psychological problems. An easy observable behavior of Nina would be her low and brief responses to any one she feels inferior to. Nina rarely keeps eye contact to whoever speaks to her directly. She may even reveal delusions, specifically about Lily, another dancer in the film, whom Nina believes is out to steal her role as the Swan Queen. Nina also might share an experience of her night out with Lily where Nina engages in alcohol and drug abuse, as well as promiscuity. All of these observable behaviors may help lead to the overall diagnosis of borderline personality disorder. Once diagnosed Nina will then be able to undergo the behavioral therapy process to identify her issues and resolve them through reinforcements. Behavioral therapy revolves around the idea of changing one’s observable behavior that can be controlled through stimulus or reinforcements. Nina portrays many insecurities and a lack of social skills that can be interpreted due to poor modeling by her mother. Her mother is very controlling and aggressive over Nina, which is shown in one specific scene where Nina’s mother is undressing her adult submissive daughter. Another case is where Nina develops a social avoidance towards others, only to have regular social interactions with her mother. With no subsequent positive reinforcement from other people, other than maybe her mother, Nina has become very suspicious of the intentions of those around her, which might explain why she is often alone and has no friends. A treatment approach for Nina would include the operant conditioning. By identifying the undesired behaviors (i. e. , self-mutilating), we wish to decrease in frequency and use negative reinforcement that will allow Nina to avoid an aversive state that would later decrease the likelihood of that undesired behavior. We would first want to identify the cause to her self-mutilation and attribute a particular behavior to carry on the negative reinforcement. So as Nina’s anxiety begins to escalate and begins to profusely scratch her shoulder, Nina should practice certain breathing exercises that will reduce her stress and possibly even decrease her chance of experiencing a hallucination. Self-monitoring would help to ensure that this conditioning technique is being applied and progressing. More importantly, to successfully treat this disorder it is best to use an approach that was developed for these difficult-to-treat patients with the borderline personality disorder. This therapy is known as the dialectical behavior therapy that places much emphasis on the interaction between patient and therapist. Dialectical behavior therapy uses individual therapy, group skills training, telephone contact, and therapist consultation to add more variety within this unconditional relationship. Within this course of therapy, it is organized into stages of hierarchies of targets in each stage. Stage one focuses on suicidal behavior and therapy-interfering behaviors. Nina would reveal her underlying reason for self-mutilation and delusions that interfere with her daily life. She finds herself having hallucinations of harming herself, like peeling the skin off her finger, that later advances to other behaviors such as excessive scratching on the shoulder. The delusions against Lily, the other ballerina, interfere with her ability to perform the second act of the show because she is on constant alert of what she believes Lily is going to try next to sabotage her lead role. She would need to come to terms with her behavior and find ways to eliminate them from acting out. Next, stage two in the dialectical behavior therapy deals with post-traumatic stress disorders. Here we can attribute the abusive stress Nina has to endure with her mother. Since her mother had to give up her own dreams of becoming a star ballerina due to her pregnancy, she now lives her unfinished dreams through Nina’s career. Nina’s mother keeps Nina in a submissive child-like mentality; minimize her freedom with no lock doors and a child-like room despite the fact that Nina is past twenty years of age. Such trauma makes it difficult for Nina to secure an emotional connection with another person, therefore explains why she is alone most of the time. Others easily victimize Nina, for example Thomas the director, often abuses Nina sexually to arouse her to perform the Black Swan character more vividly for the show. In this stage, Nina should learn new mechanisms of which to deal or completely bypass these situations. The last stage focuses on self-esteem and individual treatment goals. Nina will be able to work on her self-image that can lead her to accept herself for who she really is. Nina seems to have a problem with not being able to naturally satisfy her desires without conflicting with her own moral. In the case where she goes out with Lily for the night, Nina is very intrigued with how promiscuous Lily is with other men. Nina shows signs of sexual deprivation that later, on impulse, Nina engages in drug abuse that later leads to sexual interactions with multiple partners. In this stage of therapy, Nina will be able to build up her self-esteem that is constantly brought down by her mother and production director. Nina is shown submissive to both characters throughout the beginning of the film, until she has a complete psychotic meltdown and begins to act on impulse and hallucinations. As unfortunate as Nina’s death was in the end, it’s not hard to notice there were many chances for which intervention would have been great aid before matters had gotten worse. Although it is common that individuals with borderline personality disorder do not consider themselves ill-willed and seldom seek help, if Nina had, she would have been able to decrease her undesired behaviors and had found more appropriate measures of dealing with her problems.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

How to Win a McDonalds Scholarship

How to Win a McDonald's Scholarship SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips McDonald's charities offer many different scholarships for college-bound seniors all over the country, all with different awards and eligibility requirements. Because there's so much variability among awards, applying for a McDonald's scholarship can seem daunting. Ultimately, though, it's worth it to apply - since 1985, Ronald McDonald House Charities have given out over $65 million in scholarships. Wouldn't it be great to get a small piece of that? I'll walk you through the different types of scholarship awards that McDonald's offers, in addition to offering tips and strategies to optimize your chances of winning your own award. What Are the McDonald's Scholarships? Scholarships are awarded through chapters of Ronald McDonald's House Charities, or RMHCs. There are currently 322 RMHCs in 57 different counties and regions. A variety different scholarships are available, all with different eligibility requirements. Four particular scholarships are offered through many RMHC chapters - I'll be focusing on these awards for the rest of this article. The following scholarships are need-based awards that are given to honor students' scholastic, community, and work performance. You can only apply to one of the four scholarships listed, so focus on the scholarship that you are most eligible for. For example, if you are a minority scholarship applicant, apply to the appropriate ethnicity-based award if possible. Not all RMHCs will offer all four of the following scholarships.There may be local awards offered or sponsored through your RMHC, however- you can find out more by checking with a local McDonald’s restaurant. RHMC Scholars This scholarship is open to all students. The availability and amount of award depends on your local RHMC chapter. RHMC/HACER (Hispanic American Commitment to Educational Resources) This scholarship is open to students who have at least one parent of Hispanic heritage. Applicants must submit a personal statement about their cultural background, career goals, community commitment, and any unique personal circumstances.The availability and amount of award depends on your local RHMC chapter. There are four National RHMC/HACER scholarships available- your local RMHC doesn't need to participate for you to apply for this award. The scholarship is for undergraduate students only; recipients receive $100,000 paid out over 4 years. RMHC/African American Future Achievers This scholarship is open to students who have at least one parent of African American or Black Caribbean heritage.Applicants must submit a personal statement about their cultural background, career goals, community commitment, and any unique personal circumstances.The availability and amount of award depends on your local RHMC chapter. RMHC/ASIA (Asian Students Increasing Achievement) This scholarship is open to students who have at least one parent of Asian-Pacific heritage.Applicants must submit a personal statement about their cultural background, career goals, community commitment, and any unique personal circumstances.The availability and amount of award depends on your local RHMC chapter. Check with your local chapter to see if they offer any other scholarships you may be eligible for. How Do You Know If You're Eligible? In addition to the ethnic eligibility requirements for a few of the above scholarships, there are some blanket eligibility requirements that apply to RMHC awards.In order to qualify, you must: Be a high school senior Be under 21 Have a minimum 2.7 GPA Be eligible to attend a 2-year or 4-year college, university, or technical school with a full course of study Be a legal US resident Live in a participating RMHC's geographic area (with the exception of the National RMHC/HACER scholarships) Submit a complete application and all required documentation by the appropriate deadline. Provide verification of enrollment at an eligible school Demonstrate financial need If you meet all the above requirements, you're on the right track to submitting a successful McDonald's scholarship application. What Information Do You Need to Apply? Keep in mind that deadlines and other application requirements may vary based on your local RMHC. However, you'll most likely be asked to provide the following materials for your scholarship application: High school transcript SAT/ACT scores Resume Personal statement addressing your background, career goals, community commitment, and any unique personal circumstances or characteristics. Your statement should likely be fewer than 1000 words. Letters of recommendation - these should come from teachers or mentors who can speak to your abilities and commitment to education. How Do You Submit an Application? The application window for the 2018-2019 academic year has already closed, but you could get a head start on the 2019-2020 applications if you're a current high school senior.The new application should open in October of 2019; the deadline will likely be in late January of 2020. This page should update with more information about submitting an application once the new scholarship opens in October. Until then, you can get more information by contacting your local RMHC. How Much Can You Win? Like I mentioned earlier in the post, award amounts will generally vary based on (1) scholarship availability in your area, and (2) your local RMHC scholarship budgets. Most participating RMHC chapters award minimum awards of $1,000, and some can award $20,000 or more. Try searching for "[local city] Ronald McDonald's House Charity scholarships" to get information about what award opportunities are available in your area. Want to build the best possible college application and financial aid package? We can help. PrepScholar Admissions is the world's best admissions consulting service. We combine world-class admissions counselors with our data-driven, proprietary admissions strategies. We've overseen thousands of students get into their top choice schools, from state colleges to the Ivy League. We know what kinds of students colleges want to admit. We want to get you admitted to your dream schools. Learn more about PrepScholar Admissions to maximize your chance of getting in. When Do You Find Out Whether You've Been Selected? You'll likely receive news of your award between April and June. Scholarship winners will be notified in writing or via email by their local RMHC chapter. How Can You Use McDonald's Scholarship Money? First, you'll only be awarded your scholarship money if you're enrolled as a full-time undergraduate at an accredited school. You have to stay in school continuously during the academic year, unless an interruption is approved by your scholarship sponsor. Checks will be made out directly to your school, although this may vary by RMHC chapter. Funds can be applied to tuition, fees, books, and supplies. Money applied to room board charges may be taxed. Avoid tax charges if you can help it! See if you can apply scholarship funds to tuition and fees before using them to pay for room board. Strategies: How to Increase Your Chances of Winning a McDonald's Scholarship The following tips will help you submit your strongest application for any McDonald's scholarship you choose to apply to. The more time you give yourself to implement these strategies, the more successful you'll be! Research Your Local Ronald McDonald House Charity One of the first things you should do is check on what scholarship opportunities are actually available to you through your local RMHC. Your local RMHC may participate in the scholarships described earlier; if they do, you should be able to get more information about availability, deadlines, scholarship award amounts, and applications by contacting that RMHC. Try Googlingâ€Å"[your local area/city] Ronald McDonald House Charity scholarship† for more information. You can also check on availability for the above scholarships by following the appropriate link on this page. If your local RMHC does not offer the scholarships listed above, they may offer other awards, much like the RMHC of Eastern New England that I mentioned earlier. Because all these local scholarships will have different deadlines, requirements, award amounts, etc., it’s best to research these scholarships as early as possible. Again, the best way to do this is research and/or get in contact with your local RMHC. Choose the People Writing Your Letter(s) of Recommendation Wisely Your letter writer should ideally be a teacher, coach, or mentor that you have a long-standing, positive, personal relationship with. If your letter writer doesn’t provide a strong and well-written letter vouching for your abilities and commitment to education, chances are your application won’t be given much thought. To confirm that you’re selecting the right person as your letter writer, ask them if they feel comfortable writing you a very strong or glowing recommendation. If they’re not comfortable, they should have the opportunity to decline so that you can choose someone who’s better able to vouch for you. Try to give your letter writers 10-12 weeks of advance notice before your application is due. Take Your Personal Statement Seriously You’ll have up to 1,000 words to discuss your education and career goals, as well as individual qualities and strengths. Be concise and clear, and maintain a positive tone. To brainstorm for your personal statement, think about how you would respond to the following questions: What are your academic interests? How did you develop these interests? How does your educational plan align with your academic interests and strengths? How will your educational plan help you to fulfill your long-term career goals? Do you plan on becoming a leader in your field or career? How? How will this McDonald’s scholarship money enable you to pursue your education, and by extension, your long-term goals? If there are any special circumstances or hardships you’ve experienced in your life, make sure to mention them briefly in your personal statement. If they’ve affected your past grades or performance in any way, explain how (don’t make excuses, but be matter-of-fact about how events have affected you). Have a trusted teacher, mentor, advisor, and/or friend edit and proofread your work. Check for spelling, formatting, and grammatical errors before submitting your essay. If You're a Younger High School Student ... Focus on your academic performance. The minimum GPA for scholarship eligibility is 2.7, but you’ll be able to present yourself as a more competitive applicant if you have a higher GPA. If you’re a freshman, sophomore, or junior, you can increase your chances of receiving this scholarship (and other scholarships) by doing extra credit, seeing teachers for extra help, etc. For the NationalRMHC/HACER scholarship in particular, academic performance seems to be a very important evaluation criterion. Two winners for the 2015-2016 academic year are attending Harvard, one is attending Stanford, and one is attending UPenn. Seek out community service activities. Many scholarships award funds to students who demonstrate an investment in their communities. (e.g. the scholarships for minority students described above). You can demonstrate this commitment by participating in volunteer activities, particularly through your school or church. Some example activities include tutoring underprivileged students, joining a cultural club, or volunteering at a homeless shelter. Think about what aspects of your community are most important to you when considering service activities. Demonstrate how involved you've been in community service by updating your resume to include all relevant activities. If community service has shaped your interests or goals, discuss this influence in your personal statement. What's Next? McDonald's scholarships aren't the only scholarships out there for ambitious high school students. Read more about the Walmart Scholarship and National Merit Scholarship. Looking for other ways to pay your college education? You'll want to check out our guide to the Pell Grant. Did you know that sometimes getting a scholarship is as easy as applying to your school of choice? Check out this list of schools that automatically offer scholarships based on grades and test scores. Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points or your ACT score by 4 points?We've written a guide for each test about the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Download it for free now:

Monday, October 21, 2019

Aesthetic Domain Essays

Aesthetic Domain Essays Aesthetic Domain Paper Aesthetic Domain Paper The domain that interests me the most is the aesthetic domain. The aesthetic domain is the appreciation of the arts and enjoyment of sensory experiences. I believe art is an important part to learning and expands the imagination and creation of a child. Art allows children to express feelings, thoughts and creativity. Although every domain is imperative to a child’s education, I believe the aesthetic domain ranks as one of the most important domains. When the aesthetic domain is compared to the other five domains, it is not considered â€Å"essential† to education, but â€Å"beneficial†. Fine arts are often phased out of curriculum because of the lack of time, no money and little learning potential. I believe it is very important to incorporate all areas of fine arts in the classroom, such as, theatre, visual, dance and music. Children who have developed the appreciation of arts will notice beauty in cultural artifacts and communications and in the natural environment, look at and respond to works of visual art, look at and respond to works of visual art, and listen and respond to different kinds of music. There are several activities that can be incorporated in the classroom to teach the appreciation of the arts, for example, class demonstrations, picture books and story time, class discussions, show and tell, field trips and videos. The aesthetic domain consists of different stages which each child will experience at each age. The first stage is the stage of creative representation. Children between the ages of 2 and 4 use scribbling as their creative representation, which is a disordered and controlled. From the ages 4 and 7, representational preschematics by symbols are used. Children between the ages of 7 and 9, use a schematic approach, which is highly, individualized, visual symbols. The main focus when incorporating aesthetics into curriculum is to promote creativity. A few strategies teachers may use to promote creativity are to direct hands-on time with materials, demonstrate new techniques, show and discuss pictures of real objects, encourage imagining, use nonverbal reinforcement, connect creative experiences to a concept, promote motivational dialogue, give visual examples of quality art and beautiful craftsmanship and come up with a  role-play idea. Another important aspect of teaching the aesthetic domain in curriculum is for teachers to have quality strategies. If a teacher is not using appropriate strategies, when incorporating aesthetics in the classroom, it may portray a lot of misconstrued information and confusion to the children. A teacher must model aesthetic awareness and enthusiasm and prepare an aesthetics-friendly classroom environment. A teacher must also select appropriate music supporting materials and organize an art center or â€Å"creation station† with appropriate materials for arts and crafts that have already been explored by the teacher before asking the children to use them. Providing a variety of creative movement props and props for dramatics is also an important strategy. More strategies include teaching children to respect and care for materials, motivating creativity through a variety of strategies and valuing all aspects of the creative expression process. A teacher should avoid making a product when demonstrating a technique to the class and begin each movement experience with a similar routine warm-up and end with a similar cool down. Most importantly, a teacher should accept children’s own ideas for creative movement, use questions to describe, analyze and evaluate art, avoid reinforcing only a realistic approach and to involve all of the children in the arts. There are several projects and activities a teacher can incorporate in the curriculum to encourage the children to express the aesthetic domain. Teachers can use songs to teach literacy or having the children create songs about a topic. Children may also be encouraged to use musical instruments. Teac hers may also use poems, puppets and fingerplays, as well as listening to taped stories or guest speakers. Children can have their own book making experience or create paintings or other arts and crafts as well. The aesthetic domain is detrimental to the education of our young people and can bring out many different educational skills of a child once they are allowed to freely express and explore themselves. Resources

Saturday, October 19, 2019

A Study of Macroeconomics in Relation to Supply and Demand

A Study of Macroeconomics in Relation to Supply and Demand Macroeconomics can be best defined as ,the part of a countries economy which is primarily concerned with large-scale or general economic factors, such as interest rates as well as national productivity, national income, gross domestic product (Kaplan, J. (2002). Specifically, as the topic of Macroeconomics pertains directly to both the Supply as well as Demand for Health Insurance it is especially vital to acknowledge that Macroeconomics is a phenomena which also effects our countries (United States) inflation range, price levels, rate of growth, massive changes in unemployment(Staff, I. (2016, September 07).This essay will effectively highlight the overall extent in which Macroeconomics effects both the Supply as well as overall Demand of Health Insurance within the United States, including why the Macroeconomics system is not the preferred method system to apply in relation to our nations healthcare system. Lastly, this essay will thoroughly highlight the overall effects of Americ as Inflation Rate, Price levels of Insurance/Premiums, as well as massive changes in the rate of employment as they effect both the Supply as well as Demand of Healthcare Insurance The Overall Extent to Which Macroeconomics Effects Both the Supply as well as Demand for Health Insurance When it comes to the Macroeconomics system, there can be no doubt of the sheer importance of this particular discipline however, in order to more actively explore both the massive healthcare system in relation to the Macroeconomics system as a whole, we must come to a completely absolute and rather disappointing fact! And the fact of the matter is that, despite the Macroeconomics system working well for a vast majority of our current societys needs, it still doesnt work well nor efficiently for our Nations most basic Healthcare System needs, despite having some rather noteworthy and rather specific areas of research including both the researching of Business Cycles the economic growth aspect of the discipline. At large, The demand for healthcare really sees no limit, especially if cost is not a factor for the consumer, and that is the case, of course, in most third-party payment situations (Christensen, T. (2010, October 23). As a result, prices will steadily rise overtime and without stopping! Furthermore, when it comes to taking care of sick people as well as others in need of the basic medical services, it is important to mention that, in many cases, when it comes to both the supply and demand within the field of healthcare, its almost ,if not practically impossible for healthcare workers, fellow hospital staff, the facilities Human Resource Management Departments and even fellow nurses and physicians alike to absolutely know exactly how much demand they should expect to plan for on a daily basis. Thus, rather medical professionals are in a private practice or working in the Emergency Room, issues involving both the Supply as well as Demand within the Healthcare Industry effects all med ical professionals as well as ERs, Hospital and other various medical facilities on an operative level .Unfortunately, due to the circumstances, the supply can become an issue when demand is not accurately known. In this case as well as others like it, the much needed numbers/statistics will not be present to report accurately back to governmental officials nor to state departments and other respective governmental agencies. Lastly we must take into account that, the supply of physicians and providers is not driven by normal market forces. We see a lot of increasing specialization for reasons that arent necessarily fitting with the supply-demand curve (Christensen, T. (2010, October 23). The latter reason is because, when doctors attend medical schooling, they are free to choose their chose their medical specialty. Consequently, most doctors tend to pursue the healthcare professional specialties which pay the most in salaries (financial compensation) as well as have the most benefi ts associated with them. It is because of this Freedom of Choice amongst doctors as it pertains to their preferred medical specialty that the costs for such medical treatment and consequently healthcare professional services varies by such staggering amounts Nevertheless, the latter issues also effects both the primary Doctors and their Nursing staff .members as well as those medical doctors whom chose to become specialized because, most specialized physicians get compensated more than the average traditional family practice doctors. Subsequently, due to such a drastic increase in doctor specialization the supply demand curve is highly insufficient to say the least in field of healthcare and medicine. The Overall Effects of Americas Inflation Rate, on the Supply Demand of Health Insurance By its very definition an Inflation Rate is the overall, Rate at which the general level of prices for goods and services are rising and, consequently, the purchasing power of currency is falling (Financial-dictionary. (2013). This means that when an individual sees both the prices for goods (such as food water, shelter, and all store purchased items) As well as services (such as the ability to be both seen and treated by a doctor (not to mention any other service) will be effected. As briefly mentioned previously, both primary care physicians as well as their specialist Physician (Doctor) counterparts most often chose their specialty based on their potential salary and offered benefits package. This is makes perfect sense when prices for such services grow exponentially. Unfortunately when it comes to inflation, Healthcare, in addition to other vital needs, goods and services are oftentimes the first expenses to increase exponentially as inflation rates begin to rise. The increase f or medical insurance companies, including their billing and collection departments as well as volume and case load also increases leading to more work for less money (and an overall decrease in purchasing power).As reported by Forbes Magazine, additional costs are due to several different reasons, and can include but may not notably be restricted to, political decisions such as additional taxes and increased regulations which can impact health care costs (Patton, M. (2015, June 29). In addition to the amount the steadily increase in hospital/physician lawsuits, and consequently increased medical malpractice coverage. Macroeconomics- The Price Levels of Insurance/Premiums Unfortunately, since these changes are yet to be corrected by The System nor our elected representatives (politicians), as healthcare prices continue to soar and both medical insurance companies in addition to patients/clients and healthcare providers still continue to deal with the crunch. According to the November 2013 issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), the primary reason for the rise in health care costs between 2000 and 2011 accounting for 91%, was an increase in the price of drugs, medical devices, and hospital care (Compassphs. (2015, September 18).Nevertheless, it has also been revealed that, out of these costs that Administrative cost make up approximately, 5.6%/year, and are mainly health insurance costs, while the prices of health services is expected to increase by a massive 4.2% yearly, drugs medical devices another 4% yearly and Professional service fees for doctors to increase by 3.6% each year(Compassphs. (2015, September 18). Highly depr essing figures to look forward to as well as cope with in the near future! How Macroeconomics effects Massive Changes in the Rate of Employment As it pertains to (Macroeconomics) the Supply Demand for Health Insurance can and does effect massive changes in the overall Rate of Employment. As revealed by the Employment Policies Institute The cost of this insurance has increased by more than 59 percent since 2000, with no accompanying increase in the scale or scope of benefits (Employment Institute Policies (2017, February). Unfortunately as this happens, significant effects on both health insurance markets and labor markets, including changes in the number of jobs, hours worked per employee, wages, and compensation packages (Employment Institute Policies (2017, February) can and often do occur. As this happens, more and more individuals and their families find themselves spending more money as well as being essentially limited to which doctor practices they can see ( as per coverage). Lastly, the unemployment rates as well as the amount of Americans living without health insurance could drastically increase and cause a massiv e economic disaster as more and more employers (business owners) would be forced to lay off employees in order to save money or discontinue the standard work week so that the employer no longer has to pay for their employees health insurance coverage. A Study of Macroeconomics in Relation to Supply and Demand A Study of Macroeconomics in Relation to Supply and Demand Introduction Thesis Statement: â€Å"Macroeconomics† can be best defined as ,â€Å"the part of a countries economy which is primarily concerned with large-scale or general economic factors, such as interest rates as well as national productivity, national income, gross domestic product† (Kaplan, J. (2002). Specifically, as the topic of Macroeconomics pertains directly to both the â€Å"Supply as well as Demand for Health Insurance it is especially vital to acknowledge that â€Å"Macroeconomics† is a phenomena which also effects our countries (United States) â€Å"inflation range, price levels, rate of growth, massive changes in unemployment†(Staff, I. (2016, September 07).This essay will effectively highlight the overall extent in which Macroeconomics effects both the â€Å"Supply† as well as overall â€Å"Demand† of Health Insurance within the United States, including why the Macroeconomics system is not the â€Å"preferred† method system to apply in relation to our nation’s healthcare system. Lastly, this essay will thoroughly highlight the overall effects of America’s Inflation Rate, Price levels of Insurance/Premiums, as well as massive changes in the rate of employment as they effect both the â€Å"Supply† as well as â€Å"Demand† of Healthcare Insurance The Overall Extent to Which Macroeconomics Effects Both the â€Å"Supply† as well as â€Å"Demand† for Health Insurance When it comes to the Macroeconomics system, there can be no doubt of the sheer importance of this particular discipline however, in order to more actively explore both the massive healthcare system in relation to the Macroeconomics system as a whole, we must come to a completely absolute and rather disappointing fact! And the fact of the matter is that, despite the Macroeconomics system working well for a vast majority of our current society’s needs, it still doesn’t work well nor efficiently for our Nation’s most basic â€Å"Healthcare System† needs, despite having some rather noteworthy and rather â€Å"specific areas of research including both the researching of â€Å"Business Cycles† the â€Å"economic growth† aspect of the discipline. At large, â€Å"The demand for healthcare really sees no limit, especially if cost is not a factor for the consumer, and that is the case, of course, in most third-party payment situations† (Christensen, T. (2010, October 23). As a result, prices will steadily rise overtime and without stopping! Furthermore, when it comes to taking care of sick people as well as others in need of the â€Å"basic medical services†, it is important to mention that, in many cases, when it comes to both the â€Å"supply† and â€Å"demand† within the field of healthcare, it’s almost ,if not practically impossible for healthcare workers, fellow hospital staff, the facilities Human Resource Management Departments and even fellow nurses and physicians alike to absolutely know exactly how much â€Å"demand† they should expect to plan for on a daily basis. Thus, rather medical professionals are in a private practice or working in the Emergency Room, issues involving bo th the â€Å"Supply† as well as â€Å"Demand† within the Healthcare Industry effects all medical professionals as well as ER’s, Hospital and other various medical facilities on an operative level .Unfortunately, due to the circumstances, the â€Å"supply† can become an issue when â€Å"demand† is not accurately known. In this case as well as others like it, the much needed numbers/statistics will not be â€Å"present† to report accurately back to governmental officials nor to state departments and other respective governmental agencies. Lastly we must take into account that, â€Å"the supply of physicians and providers is not driven by normal market forces. We see a lot of increasing specialization for reasons that aren’t necessarily fitting with the supply-demand curve† (Christensen, T. (2010, October 23). The latter reason is because, when doctors attend medical schooling, they are free to choose their chose their medical â⠂¬Å"specialty†. Consequently, most doctors tend to pursue the healthcare professional â€Å"specialties † which pay the most in salaries (financial compensation) as well as have the most benefits associated with them. It is because of this â€Å"Freedom of Choice† amongst doctors as it pertains to their preferred medical â€Å"specialty† that the costs for such medical treatment and consequently healthcare professional services varies by such staggering amounts Nevertheless, the latter issues also effects both the primary Doctors and their Nursing staff .members as well as those medical doctors whom chose to become â€Å"specialized because, most â€Å"specialized physicians† get compensated more than the average â€Å"traditional† family practice doctors. Subsequently, due to such a drastic increase in doctor specialization the supply demand curve is highly insufficient to say the least in field of healthcare and medicine. â€Å"The Overall Effects of America’s Inflation Rate, on the Supply Demand of Health Insurance By its very definition an â€Å"Inflation Rate† is the overall, â€Å"Rate at which the general level of prices for goods and services are rising and, consequently, the purchasing power of currency is falling† (Financial-dictionary. (2013). This means that when an individual sees both the prices for goods (such as food water, shelter, and all store purchased items) As well as services (such as the ability to be both seen and treated by a doctor (not to mention any other service) will be effected. As briefly mentioned previously, both primary care physicians as well as their specialist Physician (Doctor) counterparts most often chose their â€Å"specialty† based on their potential salary and offered benefits package. This is makes perfect sense when prices for such services grow exponentially. Unfortunately when it comes to inflation, Healthcare, in addition to other vital needs, goods and services are oftentimes the first expenses to increase exponentially as inf lation rates begin to rise. The increase for medical insurance companies, including their billing and collection departments as well as volume and case load also increases leading to more work for less money (and an overall decrease in purchasing power).As reported by Forbes Magazine, additional costs are due to several different reasons, and can include but may not notably be restricted to, â€Å"political decisions such as additional taxes and increased regulations which can impact health care costs† (Patton, M. (2015, June 29). In addition to the amount the steadily increase in hospital/physician lawsuits, and consequently increased medical malpractice coverage. Macroeconomics- The Price Levels of Insurance/Premiums Unfortunately, since these changes are yet to be corrected by â€Å"The System† nor our elected representatives (politicians), as healthcare prices continue to soar and both medical insurance companies in addition to patients/clients and healthcare providers still continue to deal with the crunch. â€Å"According to the November 2013 issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), the primary reason for the rise in health care costs between 2000 and 2011 accounting for 91%, was an increase in the price of drugs, medical devices, and hospital care† (Compassphs. (2015, September 18).Nevertheless, it has also been revealed that, out of these costs that Administrative cost make up approximately, â€Å"5.6%/year, and are mainly health insurance costs, while the prices of health services is expected to increase by a massive 4.2% yearly, drugs medical devices another 4% yearly and Professional service fees for doctors to increase by 3.6% each year†(Com passphs. (2015, September 18). Highly depressing figures to look forward to as well as â€Å"cope with† in the near future! How Macroeconomics effects Massive Changes in the Rate of Employment As it pertains to (Macroeconomics) the â€Å"Supply Demand for Health Insurance can and does effect massive changes in the overall Rate of Employment. As revealed by the â€Å"Employment Policies Institute† â€Å"The cost of this insurance has increased by more than 59 percent since 2000, with no accompanying increase in the scale or scope of benefits† (Employment Institute Policies (2017, February). Unfortunately as this happens, â€Å"significant effects on both health insurance markets and labor markets, including changes in the number of jobs, hours worked per employee, wages, and compensation packages† (Employment Institute Policies (2017, February) can and often do occur. As this happens, more and more individuals and their families find themselves spending more money as well as being essentially limited to which doctor practices they can see ( as per coverage). Lastly, the â€Å"unemployment rates† as well as the amount of Americans living without health insurance could drastically increase and cause a massive economic disaster as more and more employers (business owners) would be forced to â€Å"lay off† employees in order to save money or discontinue the standard work week so that the employer no longer has to pay for their employee’s â€Å"health insurance coverage†.

Friday, October 18, 2019

Data Structure Using C++ Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Data Structure Using C++ - Essay Example In the context of the above brief discussion, Big O notation can be defined as a description of the growth rate of the order of a function T(N) as N becomes very large (Ellard 1997). In C++, the only difference between classes and structures is that all the members and base classes in structure are public by default, whereas, classes have private members and base classes by default. Dynamic Objects are those objects whose lifetimes are independent of the existence of the scope in which they were created and therefore, they give programmers a greater flexibility in managing the objects (Kafura 1996). In C++, a dynamic object can be created using a â€Å"new† operator which returns a pointer to a newly constructed object. On the other hand, to destruct a dynamic object in C++, a â€Å"delete† operator is used which takes an argument of a pointer variable that holds the pointer to the object that is returned by the â€Å"new† operator at the time of creating a dynamic object (Kafura 1996). The free store is a dynamic memory area which is available to allocate (by using the â€Å"new† operator) and deallocate (by using the â€Å"delete† operator) storage for objects during the execution of the program. A â€Å"null pointer† is a special kind of pointer which is distinguishable from all other pointer values and is not the address of any object or function. It is used to refer to the pointer which is â€Å"not allocated† or â€Å"not pointing anywhere yet†. However, it is important to note that a null pointer is not the same as an uninitialized value (Summit 1994). (a) A destructors is the special kind of function with the same name as its class prefixed by a ~ (tilde) which is called for a class object to deallocate memory and do other cleanup for a class object and its class members when the object passes out of scope or is explicitly deleted. For example: An AVL tree, also called height balanced, is

One Item of Either Hindu or Buddhist Teaching that is Most in Conflict Assignment

One Item of Either Hindu or Buddhist Teaching that is Most in Conflict with your Own Convictions - Assignment Example This way, after the soul has experienced many lives that affect the next ones in series which the soul eventually proceeds to manage with higher wisdom, the ultimate state of perfection is then achieved. On the other hand the Bible, or the Holy Scriptures, affirms that each man is identified with a single soul which does not take any other form, but belongs to the same man alone even after death or the Day of Judgment in which his soul is assessed with respect to this mans account of living, whether good or bad. Instead of karma, by Christian faith, I believe that human efforts of striving to be good would be futile without the grace of God. Because of the Creators love of His creation, every human being is permitted to act according to free will while still on earth since God does not demand obligatorily for faith to be devoted Him by those who do not discern His nature by heart completely. He is rather pleased that men, beyond their reverence toward His divinity, find the essence in establishing a more profound sense of connection with Him so that it becomes spontaneous to act with righteousness. It turns out that for Hinduists, it is only possible to attain spirituality after the complex undertaking during reincarnation. Apparently, the higher significance is placed on depending upon individual efforts at seeking to be good in the Hindu tradition whereas Christians recognize the truth in human weakness and Gods forgiveness that redeems man from wages of sin once they are humble enough to repent and restore fellowship and communication with God as stated in the Bible. Christian teaching designates one man for every soul and the principle of  God's plan of salvation that renders any other means void of effect at obtaining divine fulfillment necessitates not for a soul to take any other form, signifying how God intended for every one of us to be special.  

Theories argue Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Theories argue - Essay Example Three most important and frequently addressed theories related to the aging process are Theory of disengagement, Activity Theory and Continuity Theory (Bengtson, Silverstein, & Putney, 2009). This researcher finds that Activity Theory has defined the process of aging more effectively as compared to other two theories. The theory was developed in 1953 by an American sociologist Havighurst (Schulz, 2006). This theory holds that to remain lively and participate in societal activities are key factors of satisfaction for aging people. Physical and intellectual activities are important for successful aging. The theory proposes that in order to maintain a positive self-image, older members need to develop new interests, roles, hobbies, and relationships (Schulz-Aellen, 1997). This theory would explain adequately why aging people feel encouraged continue with their middle-age lifestyles by denying the limitations of old age and why they make attempts to sustain that lifestyle over a longer duration. According Havighurst activity is always preferable to inactivity since it increases the chances of the well-being of personality on a number of levels. This theory also explains why post-industrial society allowed its older members to participate in meaningful activities. The theory incorporates an improvement in the general health and prosperity of older people. In contrast to the Activity Theory, the Disengagement theory comes across as a more controversial theory. According to this theory aging is process of regular withdrawal between society and the subject aging individual. The theory holds that in growing older, withdrawal or disengagement can be considered to be a natural or universal process. In all cultures and societies this process is acceptable to elders. According to this theory there should be a social equilibrium that will promote self-reflection for elders. Old members of the society should be free from societal

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Public and Private Plan Paper Research Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Public and Private Plan - Research Paper Example In general, a country with a publicly or privately owned critical infrastructure and key resources (CIKR) can be a possible target for a terrorist attack. In this report, common factors that make the local enforcement group unable to protect the people and infrastructure facilities will be provided. As the homeland security director in the United States, a list of recommended ways that will enable private and public stakeholders be prepared for, respond to, and recover from a possible terrorist attack on technological infrastructure facility will be tackled in details. Terrorism is defined as â€Å"political violence in an asymmetrical conflict designed to induce terror and psychic fear through violent victimization and destruction of non-combatant targets† (Bockstette, 2008). Since the terrorists are unable to kill their target political and military figures, terrorists usually end up attacking and killing the civilians or cause physical harm to public and private CIKR as a way of capturing the attention of the government. Basically, increasing the fear of the general public could force the government to compromise with what the terrorists demanded (Pfaff, 2002). Despite the past effort to protect the public and private CIKR, the lack of universal plan makes the implementation of NIPP ineffective in most cases. Likewise, the lack of coordination among the shareholders including the Federal government, independent regulatory agencies, the legislative, executive and judicial branches contributes to the development of a weak guidelines and recommendations that could be useful in ensuring a successful implementation of the NIPP (Chertoff, 2009, p. 9). The United States’ technological infrastructure serves as a backbone behind the progress of the country’s national security, economic and social activities. To ensure the

What is the value of play to promoting children's all round learning Essay

What is the value of play to promoting children's all round learning and development - Essay Example Playing involves a great deal of things. It could be playing with fellow children, playing with toys, a child playing by themselves and or playing with adults like a parent or teacher. Playing is done a lot when a person is young and the games played go with stages i.e. as the child grows older the type of play changes with each stage that the child is growing, these stages of playing expose a child to new possibilities and experiences. Since Child play is a universal subject, many scholars have addressed the issue of play and have developed theories on the subject. Pioneers in childhood and also modern day scholars have also widely discussed the subject and reiterated on its importance in learning and development. Governments have also made sure that play has been incorporated in the school curriculum. It will also be important to look at how the international perspective on child play has influenced various legislations to be incorporated into the education curriculum. It will also be important to look at the very crucial role that adults play (Burton 2002). In recent years people have become busy and operating on tighter schedules. Children have not been spared and more academic expectations are being demanded from them. It is for this case that play has been included in the curriculum to provide children with an outlet. Play is an extra curricular activity that helps learners, especially young children, to release stress and anxiety that comes from a society that is currently demanding too much from them. Apart from this, play helps mostly in the development of a child both mentally and physically and also in many ways that help that child to learn. In development, play helps a child to become physically strong or fit, up until the child is able to crawl, playing ensures that the child develops a strong physique. It also acts as a form of much required exercises, games like running

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Theories argue Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Theories argue - Essay Example Three most important and frequently addressed theories related to the aging process are Theory of disengagement, Activity Theory and Continuity Theory (Bengtson, Silverstein, & Putney, 2009). This researcher finds that Activity Theory has defined the process of aging more effectively as compared to other two theories. The theory was developed in 1953 by an American sociologist Havighurst (Schulz, 2006). This theory holds that to remain lively and participate in societal activities are key factors of satisfaction for aging people. Physical and intellectual activities are important for successful aging. The theory proposes that in order to maintain a positive self-image, older members need to develop new interests, roles, hobbies, and relationships (Schulz-Aellen, 1997). This theory would explain adequately why aging people feel encouraged continue with their middle-age lifestyles by denying the limitations of old age and why they make attempts to sustain that lifestyle over a longer duration. According Havighurst activity is always preferable to inactivity since it increases the chances of the well-being of personality on a number of levels. This theory also explains why post-industrial society allowed its older members to participate in meaningful activities. The theory incorporates an improvement in the general health and prosperity of older people. In contrast to the Activity Theory, the Disengagement theory comes across as a more controversial theory. According to this theory aging is process of regular withdrawal between society and the subject aging individual. The theory holds that in growing older, withdrawal or disengagement can be considered to be a natural or universal process. In all cultures and societies this process is acceptable to elders. According to this theory there should be a social equilibrium that will promote self-reflection for elders. Old members of the society should be free from societal

What is the value of play to promoting children's all round learning Essay

What is the value of play to promoting children's all round learning and development - Essay Example Playing involves a great deal of things. It could be playing with fellow children, playing with toys, a child playing by themselves and or playing with adults like a parent or teacher. Playing is done a lot when a person is young and the games played go with stages i.e. as the child grows older the type of play changes with each stage that the child is growing, these stages of playing expose a child to new possibilities and experiences. Since Child play is a universal subject, many scholars have addressed the issue of play and have developed theories on the subject. Pioneers in childhood and also modern day scholars have also widely discussed the subject and reiterated on its importance in learning and development. Governments have also made sure that play has been incorporated in the school curriculum. It will also be important to look at how the international perspective on child play has influenced various legislations to be incorporated into the education curriculum. It will also be important to look at the very crucial role that adults play (Burton 2002). In recent years people have become busy and operating on tighter schedules. Children have not been spared and more academic expectations are being demanded from them. It is for this case that play has been included in the curriculum to provide children with an outlet. Play is an extra curricular activity that helps learners, especially young children, to release stress and anxiety that comes from a society that is currently demanding too much from them. Apart from this, play helps mostly in the development of a child both mentally and physically and also in many ways that help that child to learn. In development, play helps a child to become physically strong or fit, up until the child is able to crawl, playing ensures that the child develops a strong physique. It also acts as a form of much required exercises, games like running

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Nasty and unsightly Essay Example for Free

Nasty and unsightly Essay This segregation can be deeply felt by the reader and is very emotive. During the last extract there are a number of reasons why the audience would feel sorry for the monster. The eloquent and expressive nature of the language he uses show the reader that inside he is a beautiful being. I shall no longer see the sun or stars, or feel the winds play on my cheeks. The things that he will most miss are the sun and stars. These natural things are what he finds most enjoyable. The metaphor of the wind playing on his cheeks gives the reader a sense of his intelligent language but also his gentleness. Unlike Frankenstein the monster also blames himself for what has happened. But it is true that I am a wretch This sentence shows that the monster has acknowledged what he has done but also creates empathy with the audience, the word shows that he doesnt think much of himself. A wretch is often something very nasty and unsightly. How do you think Shelley feels about him? scientists were unconcerned by the potential consequences of their work Shelleys opinions on different matters are clear throughout the novel. The way that scientists were trying to push boundaries is explored. Shelleys view is obvious. She believes that scientists were unconcerned by the potential consequences of their work. Nothing must be able to go ahead without the full knowledge that it is safe. I believe that she uses the monster as a metaphor for this. Frankenstein had not taken enough time to way up the consequences of what might happen and the monster was born. Prejudice is a strong theme right through the novel. Shelley uses the monster to portray her thoughts about prejudice. She uses two extremes. She creates the monsters appearance to be revolting whilst his personality is smart, imaginative and elegant. During the story the only people who get to talk and interact with the monster are the blind people and Walton. These are also the only people he gets speak to in depth. This shows that once people can interact with him and get passed the way he looks it doesnt matter. The blind people speak to him because they cannot see what he looks like. Walton, even though he originally sets out to kill the monster begins to feel sympathy for the monster. Shelley obviously believes that people are too narrow-minded to look further into someone before judging them. Another major theme of the story is that of parent/child relationships. Shelley uses Frankenstein as the parent figure to the monster to explore the act of neglect upon a child. Marys mother died shortly after she was born. Once the monster is born Frankensteins vision of an amazing super-being vanishes and he sees the ugliness of what he has created. This may be a belief of Shelley. How mothers have a great vision of their baby and nurturing it and bringing it up but when the baby is actually born the mother is hit by the realisation of bringing up a child. The mother then chooses to neglect the child. Shelley then looks at what affect neglect can have on the child. The evil which engulfs the monster is directed at Frankenstein as a result of his neglect. I believe that Shelley sympathises with Frankenstein but more with the monster. I believe that Shelley relates to the monster as she felt neglected by her mother, although she died. I believe that she structures the book in a way that portrays this. She gives the reader the most of the book to sympathise with Frankenstein and only allows a smaller part in which the reader can gain sympathy for the monster. However she believes that the monsters grief is far worse than Frankensteins so that even less amount of time novel the reader still feels a greater amount of sympathy for the monster. I too feel compassion toward monster. I believe that someones abuse on the grounds of their appearance is wrong. Everybody should be allowed to express themselves to others and be given the chance to be understood. I also believe that most sympathy falls to Frankenstein because it was not his fault, Frankenstein created him and also neglected him. In my opinion although the monster carried out the murders the reason he did was Frankenstein. Not only did he create him without thinking of the possible consequences he also abandoned him and this caused the monster to become evil as a result of his torment. This can be linked back to the philosophy that people were born good. The monsters experience of society has moulded him into something which causes great havoc but truly, inside, he is good. Show preview only The above preview is unformatted text This student written piece of work is one of many that can be found in our GCSE Mary Shelley section.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Cambodia And Climate Change Environmental Sciences Essay

Cambodia And Climate Change Environmental Sciences Essay Our global environment has irregularly changed from year to year. There are many scientific evidences showing that climate change is caused by two factors including natural causes and human activities mainly affecting to the global atmosphere due to the emission of greenhouse gases, such as Carbon dioxide (CO2), Methane (CH4), Nitrous Oxide (NO2), and other industrial gases. The change of climate by human activities has caused negative impacts including global warming, sea level rise, increased natural disaster (cyclone, flood, and drought) and has impacted economic development. Obviously, Climate change is real and happening in Cambodia that it cannot avoid. Cambodia is considered to suffer much due to its high levels of poverty and poor infrastructure to cope with natural disasters and other longer-term effects of climate change. Hench, Cambodia is likely vulnerable to Climate Change and Global Warming and in the mean time the rest of the world is concerning that it comes to be dis cussed and debate. The term climate change is often associated with the term global warming. Climate change can be defined as the significant changes in the climate of the Earth, such as precipitation, temperature or wind, which lasts for long period of time, for decades or longer. Global warming can occur from a number of causes, both man-made and naturally occurring. Global warming is also commonly associated with the warming that occurs as a result of increased emissions of greenhouse gases from human activities. (What is Climate Change and the Difference between Climate Change and Global Warming) Global warming and climate change can impact agriculture and food production around the world due to: the effects of elevated CO2 in the atmosphere, higher temperatures, altered precipitation and transpiration regimes, increased frequency of extreme events, and modified weed, pest, and pathogen pressure. Cambodia is one of the developing countries which tends to give less impacts of climate change than in wealthy industrialized countries. Anyways, Cambodia is likely to suffer from the impacts of climate change and global warming that it need to adapt to those changes, especially in terms of droughts, floods, soil erosion and the loss of biodiversity. This in turn will affect land productivity and people will become poorer. In the mean time, Cambodia is an agricultural country that many hectares of land are growing rice. After rice, we keep the land idle, which means we dont grow year-round. As a matter of fact, rice production can contribute to climate change, through flooded fields and the use of chemical pesticides and nitrogenous fertilizers. Agricultural can also potentially help mitigate climate change through soil carbon sequestration by practicing sustainable agriculture practices. (Workshop, May 27-28,2010) More importantly, man-made have impacted most on climate change and global warming. Population growth has disturbed the balance between our ecosystems on our planet as the atmosphere and seas pollution, destruction of the rain forests, fire burning out of control, alteration of sensitive ecosystems, and destruction of the ozone layer. These activities have created an unprecedented Climate Change and Global Warming. Obviously, in Cambodia there is a big space between the rich and the poor as poverty remain the big problem that many poor people live in the disorder condition. Usually people who live next to the river, lakes or sea, mostly water quality is not good since water is polluted by wastes, rubbishes, poisonous chemical substances from pesticides of farmers and industrial wastes or accidents that lead to the endanger of people health. In addition to Cambodias disorder infrastructure which pollutes the clean air due to the smoke of those machines as well as many old vehicles rem ained in the cities produce too much harm on environment. Moreover, Cambodia had faced many wars that left many explosives on many hectares of land which is not only the greatest danger of humanity, but may also have a long-term cumulative effect on the earth climate. Developing countries like Cambodia have been severely affected by climate change and lack the resource to tackle on its own, Hun Sen said at the opening ceremony Monday at the countrys first National Forum on Climate Change. Even though there is a strict environmental policies adopted by developed and developing countries, in somehow the rule of law and economic development is still weak and Cambodia in some way was affected. For instance, there are reports that tons of toxic waste is deposited in Cambodia by other nations. In November 1998, a large quantity of mercury-laden waste from Taiwan was dumped in Sihanouk Ville, a famous tourist and port area in Cambodia. Due to health concerns, thousands of residents fled from the area, resulting in several accidents along a bumpy, narrow road with at least four dead and 13 injured. Surprisingly, a month later another case was found involving more than 650 tons of film scraps from Taiwan again. In addition, several months prior to this, th e Sihanouk Ville police found waste materials including x-rays, used cassette and videotapes from South Korea. (New York Times). Cambodia is a victim of climate change, and developed countries should shoulder more responsibility in reversing the effects of global warming, said Prime Minister Hun Sen (National  Forum  on  Climate  Change). For this reason the rich was blamed to be more responsible that they have more resources to settle this matter and huge countries should not blame less-developed countries.   Climate Change and Global Warming give direct and indirect impact on the country, community and individual level. On the country level, Cambodia which largely depends on agriculture is vulnerable to agricultural inactivity and losses due to natural disasters. Therefore it will experience slow economic growth due to the global recession and economic crisis which lead to poor and underdeveloped health infrastructure that aggravate health problems and further burden the government. Many livelihoods will be affected by natural disasters. Not only homes and properties, agricultural produce and health, but even community as a whole that result in facing the economic downturn, hence it will lead to more social crime. For instance, by the end of the century, higher sea levels in the Mekong Delta, where nearly half of Vietnams rice is grown, may inundate about half (~1.4 million ha) of the deltas agricultural lands. Compared to developed and other developing states, Least Developed Countries and Small Island Developing States have released relatively small amounts of fossil fuels and thus contribute little harm to climate change and global warming. Yet they seem to be suffered the most. Developing countries in Asia like Cambodia has the least capacity to adapt to Climate Change and Global warming and is therefore in need of whatever external support in order to cope with these issues. Low adaptive capacity has made Cambodia among the most vulnerable region despite it is relatively low suffered from Climate hazard. However, still other areas with high adaptive are vulnerable due to their high population densities and closed location to Climate hazard of sea level rise and floods namely Jakarta and Thailand (John E .Newby/WWF Canon, October 2009). It has been known for some time the Least Developed Countries (LDCs) and Small Island Developing States (SIDS) is the most vulnerable to the effects of climate change due to changing weather patterns, particularly severe floods and droughts that lead to immense poverty, hunger and disease. The rising sea level, along with other climatic changes, threatens the very survival of many SIDS. Approximately 860 million people in LDCs and SIDS will be adversely affected by climate change, many of them becoming environmental refugees. (Hamilton, 2005). Many SIDS rely on one or few economic activities, especially tourism or fisheries, both of which are highly influenced due to natural disasters. Climate change is expected to impact aquatic ecosystems, and alter the distribution and production of fish. Fish migration routes, spawning and feeding grounds, and fishing seasons are all likely to change, and the impacts on fishing communities are uncertain. Rising seas, more severe storms, and saltwater intrusion in the deltas will damage the regions aquaculture industry, which is based on species with limited saline tolerance, such as catfish in the Mekong Delta. Cambodia and Vietnam are among the most vulnerable on recent climate change impacts on fishery in 130 countries that is heavy dependence on fisheries, high exposure to climate risks, and limited coping capacity (Mirza, 2003). Apart from that Asian is the places of interest for tourists, including wildlife areas and parks may be disrupted with less tourism due to Climate Change and it also has significantly impacted on agriculture and decreasing in the supply of water and soil moisture during the dry season, which put the stress on the available of water supplies and increasing the need for irrigation. Rice growing areas may also be affected which gives a bad effect on agricultural trade, economic growth and the development (McLeman, 2005). For instance, farmers who directly depend on agriculture are vulnerable to extreme events which can destroy their entire crop due to floods or droughts that occur unpredictably or at the wrong time of the cropping cycle (Warner et al. 2009). The participations from other NGOs and INGOs are really necessary in order to cope with Climate Change and Global Warming. For instance, UNDPs climate change work in Cambodia focuses on strengthening the capacity of government to respond to climate change, creating opportunities for knowledge sharing and building partnerships, as well as supporting research into the impacts of climate change on the countrys economic and human development. For the fulfillment on Climate Change in Cambodia, UNDP has supported the Ministry of Environment to produce various technical reports since 1999 with funding from the Global Environment Facility (GEF). The work of UNDP has not only helped the country fulfill its obligations under the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), but to strengthen governments capacity to respond to climate change, mainly through the Cambodia Climate Change Office (UNDP release ). Climate Change and Global Warming is the hot issue that it is not concern in the region Cambodia itself but as the globe issue; therefore it need to be involved from everyone and other institutions. As a poor country like Cambodia we need some fund in respond to Climate Change and Global Warming for we cannot cope with such a problem alone. According to the project by the Cambodia Climate Change Alliance, Cambodia is supported its capacity to develop and strengthening preparedness for climate change risk; for instance, to communities that are vulnerable to climate change and other natural hazards. To run this project, CCCA grants will be implemented that requires the support from the Government and civil society, as well as with technical support by external development partners. More than 80 per cent of Cambodians rely directly on agriculture for their livelihoods, but global warming is likely to affect rainfall patterns, possibly causing crop failures and food shortages. Moreover, the impact of climate change will be an unprecedented and increasing global threat to life, livelihoods and life-supporting systems. Actually, Cambodias contribution to greenhouse gas emissions is low which ranked number 109 by the World Resources Institute, with emissions of only 0.29 tons of carbon dioxide per head of population each year. Nonetheless, Cambodia is suffered from the effects of global warming due to excessive emissions in other parts of the world. Like other countries in Southeast Asia, Cambodia is expected to experience higher and more intense rainfall. The effects are likely to include more severe water scarcity and more frequent floods, resulting in crop failures and food shortages. A remarkable loss of biodiversity will cause a decline in ecosystem services. C oastal communities and eco-systems are likely to be affected by rises in sea levels as well. Hench, higher temperatures and humidity will create conditions for increased incidence of malaria and dengue fever. In respond the Cambodia Climate Change Alliance (CCCA) was announced at the forum by the EU and UNDP and formally launched in February 2010. Despite Cambodia is likely to be hardest hit by climate change, Cambodia was selected to be a pilot country which was funded in the form of pooled and non-targeted resources on the basis of contractual agreements between each donor and UNDP by development partners (UNDP/Arantxa). In regard to the environmental protection, includes sustainable management and sustainable use of natural resources in responses to Climate Change and Global Warming, both international level and national one are together trying to cope with it. In this spirit, Cambodia has been working hard to fulfill its own obligation as it fully supports the efforts to address climate change based on the key principles of the United Nations Framework of Convention on Climate Change, which require specific needs and special circumstances of developing country parties, especially those that are particularly vulnerable to the adverse effects of climate change. Consequently, Cambodia have acceded the Kyoto Protocol on 04 Jul, 2002 (UNDP, 2004). Moreover Cambodia has completed National Adaptation Program of Action to Climate Change (NAPA) in late 2006 to address the urgent and immediate needs of the country adapt to climate change (Trisurat, 2009). Besides national concern, there are also concern form international actors and outsider states on this problem. In this regard, UNFCCC has created the High-level Advisory Group on Climate Change Financing, chaired by Norways Prime Minister Stoltenberg. Moreover, the US has pledged US$5 million to catalyze efforts to mitigate emissions of Black Carbon, and other countries Norway, Canada, Sweden, Denmark and Finland have joined in this effort and may also pledge contributions (Otero, 2010). According to the concern from some head of states has risen that solutions to the problems of climate change should be reinforced and coordinate in an integrate manner within the framework of sustainable development (8th Asia-Europe Summit Brussels, 2010). At first Cambodia could not fulfill National Adaptation Program of Action to Climate to Climate Change (NAPA) only until in late 2006 that it succeed in the fulfillment to address the urgent and immediate needs of the country adapt to climate change. It is clear that least developed countries like Cambodia and others are the most vulnerable to the impacts of climate change due to their limited adaptive climate change capacities. It is clear that weather related change and complex man-mad disaster are increasing frequency and severely in one nation can affect to various part of the world. Their impact on the environment and on climate cannot be overlook. Therefore, broad commitments to address climate change should be agreed at a regional level to ensure that the actions of one country do not negatively affect or undermine the efforts of their neighbors. Though the results of environmental and natural depletion may not be visible now, it will be a heavy burden for Cambodias next generations, who will have difficulty in ecological system. It illustrates that Cambodia is facing the risk of unsustainable development for its next generation. Immediate action is required to tackle hence the government and all other stakeholders must come up with strong policies and fast action to combat climate change. In short, Climate change is closely linked to human activities not only in wealthy industrialized countries people and their livelihoods but also other less developing countries. In particular Climate Change will impact the social and economic in small islands, and also affecting key sectors such as tourism and agriculture, and resulting in risky infrastructure due to Climate variability, including extreme events such as storms, floods and sustained droughts. Therefore the negative impacts of climate change could create a new group of refugees, who may migrate into new settlements to seek new living. Indeed, LDCs and SIDS have neither the financial resources nor the technical capacities to meet their adaptation needs due to climate change and global warming. Consequently, the international community needs to provide stronger financial and technical support to the LDCs and SIDS through the special funds under international frameworks. . In respond special effort needs to be done. Obviously, Cambodia is likely to experience the impacts of climate change and therefore must be prepared to adapt to the changes on the environment, especially in terms of droughts, floods, soil erosion and the loss of biodiversity. Consequently, they will need to adopt sustainable practices on agriculture by reducing the vulnerability of soil based agricultural production systems through the management of soil fertility, management of the cycle of soil more efficiently in grasslands and cropping systems. (Canon, Oct,2009). Moreover, there should be the participating of NGO network members and the government in order to increase their understanding on the issue and what everyone can do is to save water, against pollution, forest protection, wildlife or animals and environmental reservation, recycle, reuse the energy recreation that is a part of daily life. Therefore, in respond to address Climate Change, we should improved energy efficien cy and better use of alternative and renewable energy. We must encourage investment in clean development mechanisms and therefore, green economy must be considered at the top priority of the development agenda. Hence, all countries need to consider setting their own Green House Gaze in the limited target and promote sustainable management of natural resources. Moreover, the regions governments and people need to identify a way to sustainably develop their economies, alleviate poverty, and conserve the regions extraordinary species and ecosystems. The region should improve environmental management capacity and more effective conservation in order to adapt to and reduce the unavoidable climate change impacts (Canon, Oct,2009).